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Donate to The Parkinson’s Research Foundation

The Parkinson’s Research Foundation
One Intrepid Square
West 46th Street & 12th Avenue
New York, NY 10036

Make checks payable to: The Parkinson’s Research Foundation.

I would like to contribute:

____$10 ____$50 ____$100
____$25 ____$75 Other $_______

To the Foundation’s ongoing research programs

Payment Information
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Address ___________________________________________________
City __________________________ State ___________________
Zip Code __________________________
Country __________________________
Email Address __________________________
Phone __________________________
For credit card donations, please provide the following info:
Name on Card __________________________ State ___________________
Credit Card (circle one)       Visa    Mastercard    American Express
Card Number _________________________________________
Expiraton Date ___/___ (MM/YY)
Signature _________________________________________
“Optional Questions”
My preferred method of contact is: (circle one)      Email    Phone    US Mail
How did you hear about us? _________________________________________
Comments or Suggestions _________________________________________